Fight for More of Greenville County's Funding to Repair Our Roads and Bridges, that are way overdue for repairs.
Do our spending priorities line up with the repairing our crumbling infrastructure? Policymakers continue to prioritize repair and “fix-it-first,” yet we have little to show for their empty words. Priorities shows that the conditions of our roadways have not improved, perpetuating a costly backlog of roads in poor condition.
What Sets me Apart is my Commitment to Genuinely Listen to your Concerns about our roads, our Community, our families and its Future.
As a Dentist I Understand the Importance of Listening, Empathy and Care Qualities that are often Over Looked in Politics. I’m a Statesman not a Politician.
A Fresh Voice and a New Perspective in Politics.
Faith, Family and Freedom
June 11, 2024 Vote Nickles for Change
Dr. Dan Nickles SC Senate 6