Why Vote Dan Nickles?
Dan Nickles listens and he cares. Do you want your concerns to be heard with Dan's voice? Email your concerns to:
If you are tired of the government trying to control you, then stop sending lawyers that appoint judges that they stand before in court to Columbia. Let's stop the corruption and vote for me, Dr. Dan Nickles a business man, a father, a caregiver. I am for transparency in government. Vote Nickles for change. A voice for the people, a heart for our community" a fresh voice and new perspective in politics. Care beyond the dental chair with Dr. Dan Nickles. As a dentist, I understand the importance of listening, empathy and care qualities that are often looked over looked in politics. With your support, I will work to end wasteful spending of tax dollars, cut state income tax, protect our children and restore our small town values.
Together we will make South Carolina a strong Christian state where we can raise our families, save our small businesses and live in peace and prosperity.
Let Dan be Your Voice in Columbia
If you are as tired and frustrated with our State Government as I am, then let me be your voice in Columbia. I consider myself to be a statesman and not a politician. I believe in a government for the people by the people. A united family is key to our community. As a father, I understand the importance of good, Christian education. I want to protect our children, preserve their innocence, and allow our children to have a healthy childhood and grow up in safe towns, by stopping the secular indoctrination in our public schools and stopping the violence. Help me bring back Christian values to South Carolina and make a brighter future for us as we get older and our children to raise their families in. Elect me for your next SC Senator District 6 2024 by voting in June 2024. Check your Senate District here: www.scstatehouse.gov/legislatorssearch.php District 6 can vote for Dan Nickles. Register to vote here: https://scvotes.gov/voters/register-to-vote/